• O podjetju


+386 1230 40 02


All scheduled outages


(MON–FRI; 6 am 6 pm)
+386 1 230 40 03

+386 1 230 40 02


Welcome to our network

Elektro Ljubljana performs several (i.e. statutory) network activities and provides a wide range of commercial services related to the electricity infrastructure in central and south-east Slovenia. Our qualified workers take care of the biggest distribution network in Slovenia while Elektro Ljubljana owns the infrastructure that provides electric power to a large part of the country.



By connecting and integrating advanced electric power supply services, we provide a safe, reliable, high-quality and sustainable system for distributing electricity, while attentively focusing on fulfilling the needs of our users, owners and employees.



We employ efficient, innovative and integrated electric power supply solutions with the aim to remain the leading electricity supply partner at the local and national levels, as well as the leading group for managing modern energy infrastructure networks that creates returns for the owners and a motivating work environment for the employees.

We are connecting everybody to a network of positive energy.


Our values

Excellence and quality

With systematic solutions of encompassing superior quality, professional expertise and abundant added value we mitigate risks and seize opportunities. The business processes of all Group companies follow the highest safety, information and environmental standards.

Tradition and curiosity

We combine tradition with innovation, and knowledge with curiosity, while proactively advancing the cycle of technological development, remaining the whole time keenly aware of our environmental responsibility.

Team work and trust

All of our companies encourage engaged team work and cooperation within diverse teams. We hold the knowledge and experience we find in such collaborations in very high regard. We create respectful and equal relationships among all of our employees, while also fostering open and honest communication.


The safety of employees is our top priority and the responsibility of every individual in the Group.

Ethics and honesty

Our leadership and operations are conducted in line with the highest ethical and moral standards.


We encourage dialogue with employees, owners, partners and the general public, leading to the development of optimal long-term solutions for all stakeholders.

SMS pojavno okno slika

Vas obvestimo o izklopu?

Izpolnite spletni obrazec in o načrtovanih prekinitvah dobave elektrike na vašem merilnem mestu vas bomo brezplačno obveščali preko elektronske pošte ali sporočil SMS.

Prijavite se
Izredne razmere pojavno okno slika

Omejevanje porabe

Spoštovani uporabniki, obveščamo vas, da bo v skladu z razglašenimi izrednimi razmerami, prekinjena dobava električne energije uporabnikom na območju Elektra Ljubljana. Ure izklopov bodo objavljene na naši spletni strani, vsak dan od 21. ure dalje za naslednji dan. Prosimo vas, da spremljate spletno stran, kjer bodo objavljene tudi vse morebitne spremembe terminov odklopov, ki lahko nastanejo zaradi sprememb razmer v omrežju. Lahko pa se prijavite na brezplačno obveščanje o načrtovanih prekinitvah dobave elektrike na vašem merilnem mestu preko SMS sporočil ali elektronske pošte. V času izklopa ravnajte z električnimi napravami kot, da so pod napetostjo.

Zahvaljujemo se vam za razumevanje

Elektro Ljubljana

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