• Baza znanja


+386 1230 40 02


All scheduled outages


(MON–FRI; 6 am 6 pm)
+386 1 230 40 03

+386 1 230 40 02


Frequently asked question

Suspicion of incorrect measurements on metering point

What does my bill cover?

The electricity bill has three sections: electricity, network access, and excise duty and VAT.

Change and new connection approval

What is the cost of network access for each individual connected load?

The prices of network access (one-off payment) can be found on the Energy Agency's website.

Change and new connection approval

What does it cost to acquire a connection approval, a connection contract, metering point acceptance, and a connection when the nominal value of the main fuse is 3 x 20 A?

The costs of connecting to the electricity distribution network depend on the connected load (network access) and the costs of acceptance and connecting the metering point.

Change and new connection approval

What are the costs of a new connected load for a household in the event of an increasing the main fuse from 1 x 20 A to 1 x 35 A?

What are the costs of a new connected load for a household in the event of increasing the main fuse from from 1 x 20 A to 1 x 35 A?

Change and new connection approval

When do I need to acquire approval to connect to a new distribution network?

The network user must apply for new connection approval if the basic parameters on which the current connection approval was issued change.

Meter reading

How do I read the meter?

Sometimes, it is necessary that you read your meter. This may occur when the metering point changes (new owner/payer) or for control charges when the metering point is inaccessible.

Adjusting bills to actual consumption

How can I arrange to pay for actual electricity consumption without prepayments and settlements?

For pro rata payments, you have the following options ...

Adjusting bills to actual consumption

Why do I not receive a bill that refers to actual consumption even though I have a modern digital metering device installed at my metering point?

We are intensively working on switching to a system of remote reading for billing purposes in households and small businesses.

Easy savings

Single-tariff or double-tariff metering?

Double-tariff metering includes different electricity and network access prices during various time intervals (higher tariffs between 6:00 and 22:00 on working days and lower tariffs during the rest of the time).

Adjusting bills to actual consumption

Reducing the calculated power for household consumption by reducing the main fuses from 1 x 35 A to 1 x 20 A

Reducing the nominal value of the main fuse at a metering point costs EUR 33.54 (VAT included).

Disconnection and reconnection

What is the cost of disconnecting/reconnecting the metering point on my request?

If the metering point owner requests to be disconnected from the distribution network, the costs are EUR 33.54 (VAT included). The costs of a reconnection upon request are the same.

Disconnection and reconnection

Who is responsible for disconnecting the metering point from the distribution network?

The requirement for electric power to be continuously distributed of through the metering point represents a fulfilment of the technical conditions stated in the connection approval, the legislation, and a valid contract. In the event of failure to comply with these conditions, the system operator has the right to disconnect your metering point from the network after giving prior notice.

Change and new connection approval

How much does it cost when a person authorised by the system operator (acceptance and connection) connects a new metering point or changes the current one?

You can view the costs in the Services for Users pricelist (B-4).

Suspicion of incorrect measurements on metering point

What should I do if I believe the metering is not correct?

Users can order an inspection of the metering device's precision, carried out using a reference tool at the cost of EUR 85.96 (VAT included).

Changing of the electric power supplier

What is the procedure for changing your electric power supplier?

Network users can freely choose their electricity supplier (list of suppliers). You have to sign contract with your chosen supplier, who will take care of everything needed to change the supplier with SODO (the contractor in charge) on your behalf.

Interruptions in electricity supply

Where can I report network or metering point errors?

You can report interruptions to the electricity supply and network (metering point) errors that could pose a threat to people or property at +386 1 230 40 02 (the number is available 24/7 every day of the year).

Interruptions in electricity supply

What is the cost of replacing the main fuse?

Main fuse failure can be caused by exceeding the limit on the current user's consumption or due to an error in the user's wiring and connections.

Interruptions in electricity supply

Where can I find information on planned power outages?

Information on planned power outages due to maintenance work can be found on:

Disconnection and reconnection

What can I do after my supply contract is terminated?

The supply contract falls within the jurisdiction of your chosen electric power supplier (list of suppliers). For any questions on this topic please contact it and try to find an appropriate solution to halt the termination of your supply contract (payment of outstanding liabilities etc.). You can find the contact info on your last bill.

SMS pojavno okno slika

Vas obvestimo o izklopu?

Izpolnite spletni obrazec in o načrtovanih prekinitvah dobave elektrike na vašem merilnem mestu vas bomo brezplačno obveščali preko elektronske pošte ali sporočil SMS.

Prijavite se
Izredne razmere pojavno okno slika

Omejevanje porabe

Spoštovani uporabniki, obveščamo vas, da bo v skladu z razglašenimi izrednimi razmerami, prekinjena dobava električne energije uporabnikom na območju Elektra Ljubljana. Ure izklopov bodo objavljene na naši spletni strani, vsak dan od 21. ure dalje za naslednji dan. Prosimo vas, da spremljate spletno stran, kjer bodo objavljene tudi vse morebitne spremembe terminov odklopov, ki lahko nastanejo zaradi sprememb razmer v omrežju. Lahko pa se prijavite na brezplačno obveščanje o načrtovanih prekinitvah dobave elektrike na vašem merilnem mestu preko SMS sporočil ali elektronske pošte. V času izklopa ravnajte z električnimi napravami kot, da so pod napetostjo.

Zahvaljujemo se vam za razumevanje

Elektro Ljubljana

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