• Baza znanja


+386 1230 40 02


All scheduled outages


(MON–FRI; 6 am 6 pm)
+386 1 230 40 03

+386 1 230 40 02


Frequently asked question

Single-tariff or double-tariff metering?

Category: Easy savings

Double-tariff metering includes different electricity and network access prices during various time intervals (higher tariffs between 6:00 and 22:00 on working days and lower tariffs during the rest of the time). Double-tariff metering is generally more cost-effective for households, since most of the electricity is consumed during the lower tariff time period. It also offers an easier way of optimizing costs by adjusting the times of higher electricity consumption. Requirements for double-tariff metering are a double-tariff meter at the metering point and associated communication equipment.

In contrast, experience shows that single-tariff metering is more cost effective for small businesses, where most of the electricity consumption appears to be during the higher tariff on working days from 6 am to 10 pm.

Before deciding on changing the metering way the costs of electricity supply in both ways must be assessed in detail including the amounts of expected consumption during time periods of the lower and higher tariffs, the proportion of prices between electricity during higher and lower tariffs, and the proportion of network access prices during both tariffs. 

SMS pojavno okno slika

Vas obvestimo o izklopu?

Izpolnite spletni obrazec in o načrtovanih prekinitvah dobave elektrike na vašem merilnem mestu vas bomo brezplačno obveščali preko elektronske pošte ali sporočil SMS.

Prijavite se
Izredne razmere pojavno okno slika

Omejevanje porabe

Spoštovani uporabniki, obveščamo vas, da bo v skladu z razglašenimi izrednimi razmerami, prekinjena dobava električne energije uporabnikom na območju Elektra Ljubljana. Ure izklopov bodo objavljene na naši spletni strani, vsak dan od 21. ure dalje za naslednji dan. Prosimo vas, da spremljate spletno stran, kjer bodo objavljene tudi vse morebitne spremembe terminov odklopov, ki lahko nastanejo zaradi sprememb razmer v omrežju. Lahko pa se prijavite na brezplačno obveščanje o načrtovanih prekinitvah dobave elektrike na vašem merilnem mestu preko SMS sporočil ali elektronske pošte. V času izklopa ravnajte z električnimi napravami kot, da so pod napetostjo.

Zahvaljujemo se vam za razumevanje

Elektro Ljubljana

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