Elektro Ljubljana operates and manages the largest energy distribution network in Slovenia, and is also the owner of the electric power infrastructure.
At home, at work, or even when we’re outside, these days electricity is an indispensable resource that all users rely on. Elektro Ljubljana accordingly offers you a broad range of solutions, provided with the very best in professionalism.
Since users are always our number one priority, we never stop providing all information necessary.
Knowledge, experience, and constant R&D help us ensure a sustainable distribution system for safe, reliable, and high-quality electric energy supply.
+386 1230 40 02
All scheduled outages
GENERAL INFORMATION (MON–FRI; 6 am – 6 pm) +386 1 230 40 03 info@elektro-ljubljana.si
FAILURE NOTICE (24/7) +386 1 230 40 02
Users can order an inspection of the metering device's precision, carried out using a reference tool at the cost of EUR 85.96 (VAT included). If the metering device is not accurate within the statutory limits, those costs plus the costs of replacing the device are covered by the distribution network operator, Elektro Ljubljana, d. d.
If a user requests that the inspection be performed by an accredited legal entity, there are additional costs for such entity's service on location.
In this way, the metering device is tested in the measuring laboratory, which consists of measuring the precision of the counter and drafting a report, and adds up to an additional EUR 164.43 (VAT included).
Izpolnite spletni obrazec in o načrtovanih prekinitvah dobave elektrike na vašem merilnem mestu vas bomo brezplačno obveščali preko elektronske pošte ali sporočil SMS.
Spoštovani uporabniki, obveščamo vas, da bo v skladu z razglašenimi izrednimi razmerami, prekinjena dobava električne energije uporabnikom na območju Elektra Ljubljana. Ure izklopov bodo objavljene na naši spletni strani, vsak dan od 21. ure dalje za naslednji dan. Prosimo vas, da spremljate spletno stran, kjer bodo objavljene tudi vse morebitne spremembe terminov odklopov, ki lahko nastanejo zaradi sprememb razmer v omrežju. Lahko pa se prijavite na brezplačno obveščanje o načrtovanih prekinitvah dobave elektrike na vašem merilnem mestu preko SMS sporočil ali elektronske pošte. V času izklopa ravnajte z električnimi napravami kot, da so pod napetostjo.
Zahvaljujemo se vam za razumevanje
Elektro Ljubljana